
Winning Hit...Christine Caine (LTD09 Part V)

Christine Caine made the winning hit.  Her message of HOPE is inspiring. 

The #1 thing against the Body of Christ is offense.  It's the Body that reaches towns.  Not an evangelist.  We're all on a journey.

HOPE isn't something you just say.  Oh, I hope I make the team.  I hope I get well soon.  I hope I get a raise.  It's a confident expectation that propels us into motion!  Don't just hope.  Move!  What are you going to do with what you've learned in life and at this conference?

HOPE despite what situations look like.  Don't sit on the sidelines immobilized.  You cannot just wait.  You have to step out.  Make a move.  Confident expectation makes you do something. 

HOPE needs to reach the world.  Fear.  It's one of the biggest cripplers of hope.  We have to stand on God's Word and declare it over our lives DAILY.  Make your mantraJust do it afraid.  Are we literally going to make a difference?  Am I willing to take risks?  The church must arise to be the church it was meant to be. 

2 Kings 7:3-4  Famine was so bad the people were resorting to eating donkey heads and babies.  The lepers felt they were the least of the least.  They finally rose saying why are we sitting here?  Question:  Are you sitting at the gate?  Don't wait for the planets to align.  Step out! 

The LORD then caused the ENTIRE army to fear.  HE made a noise that the lepers could never make.  God's not looking for the classy or the cool.  He's looking for lepers with arms falling off.  He's looking for the willing.  When we start moving, God's gonna make a sound and do things we never thought possible.  We just do what we know: pray, walk, step out afraid. 

HOPE cannot stay at the gate any longer!  Fear is what keeps us at the gate.  We must be willing to look foolish.  It will cost something, but God didn't give us a spirit of fear. 

HOPE is not intimidated.  Judges 7:1-8  Sometimes things might not look right.  God has to strip us at times for HIS Glory to take center stage.  He is going to be one the one that makes things happen, and we and He will know that He did it.  We are stripped from all things we had confidence in so He can show up and blow our imagination out the park.  We must be willing to look foolish.    Here's some people that looked foolish:
Noah - Ark
Moses - Red Sea
Sarah - 90 y.o. pregnant woman
Israelites - Jerico March
David - Picking up his sling shot
Esther - entering the Kings chamber
Lepers - marching into town
Joshua - taking the next gen to the Jordan
Caleb - 85 y.o. can still make a difference
Wisemen - following a star
Peter - stepping out of the boat
Woman with the issue of blood - reaching out to touch just the hem
Blind Bartemaus - calling out
Paul & Silas - singing praise in jail
Widow - giving 2 mites
Boy - offering his lunch of 2 fish and 5 loaves
Mary - unwed pregnant teen
Jesus - hanging on a cross half naked

BUT GOD!  We all know the results of these.  If you don't, go dig them out of the Bible.  Such amazing stories of people stepping out to look foolish for God and God showing up in a magnificent way!

HOPE is calling you.  Women everywhere are being called to mobilize. Zach 9:9 - The world is in a mess because the King is not here.  He is coming.  We can no longer sit at the gate!  Lean in.  Take your place.  Are you going to stay at the gate or are you going to step out to look foolish? 

Are you willing?

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