
2010... (continued)

I've really thought about my previous post regarding my "resolutions".  Since I just don't like that word, I'm gonna call them "targets".  Here are my targets for 2010...

  1. Read more (aiming for 12 (beginning to end) books this year - seems small but really it isn't for me).
  2. Complain less.
  3. Think BEFORE I speak.  Encourage rather than discourage.
  4. Write from my heart and publish something this year.
  5. Love like there's no tomorrow.
  6. Be the person God created me to be.
  7. Learn, learn, LEARN!
  8. Seek Jesus with every single thing within me.  (Less of me, more of Him!)

I don't think I really want to change anything on this list other than shuffle it a bit.  By pursuing some of these it will make me a better mom and wife, while others will simply help me grow toward my God given purpose.  I think simple is better so 8 is plenty enough!

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