

Ever have one of those times when you hope no one is looking only to realize it's too late? Someone spotted you, and now you've made a complete fool out of yourself. Tonight I ran out of Wal-Mart with my arms full, barely holding the umbrella with one hand and the clicker for the car in the other hand. As I very approached the car, I clicked and then pulled the handle of the car. Nothing. I click a couple more times as the cold rain splashes me about to drop the milk, wiper blades and Double Stuffed OREOs I'm juggling... which by the way have less "stuff" in the middle than they used to.  That's gonna have to wait for another day. Pulling the handle, I try again.  Still nothing. 

As I glance to the left, I realize my car lights don't stick out like that... oh, wait, this isn't my car! And you would know tonight, I got a second from the front row parking spot. "Up close and personal" as I like to call it.  Security probably uploaded the surveillance video on YouTube already and emailed it to everyone they know!

Life can be just like that surveillance video. Our mishaps and blunders on display for the world to see.  So glad God isn't like that keeping a laundry list of every thing I've done wrong to rub it in my face.  Tonight I learned two valuable lessons:

  1. Make sure you point your clicker at your own car
  2. Know what your own car looks like

Now that's profound wisdom there!  You might want to write that down.

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