
What is your idea of reaching out to others at Christmas?

The closer we get, the madder the rush will be.  People frantically shopping for the perfect gift.  Sales Associates dealing with unhappy shoppers.  Unhappy shoppers becoming desperate and often times depressed.  And everything in between.

Why not spread a little cheer by intentionally smiling at people this Christmas?  It's a free gift.  You don't have to be a smile stalker or chase them down.  Just a normal smile will do.  Be intentional and watch for the reactions.  I'm certain they will be priceless and bring a smile to your own face.  You might be surprised what happens.

Smile at 3 people today for no real reason.  Are you up for the challenge?


  1. Awesome...me too. Let me know what happens. I'm thinking there are some STORIES coming!
