
Mountains and Valleys

Our church is in a series called: Twenty-Ten: A New Adventure.  Pastor Dino's message was very inspiring to me so I thought I'd share a couple of notes from it.  If you want to hear the message, then you can go to online.healingplacechurch.org at 8pm Sunday, Jan 24, and Tuesday, Jan 26 -OR- Friday, Jan 29 at 11am.

Pastor Dino Rizzo, January 23rd Saturday Service
On an adventure you can see things you've never seen before.  The real question is are we ready for the Mountains and Valleys in 2010?  There will be Mountains and there will be Valleys.  That's a fact.
Matthew 17:1-9

1.  MOUNTAIN - The mountain represent meeting with God.  Being connected.  We've got to have the mountain top experiences in our lives.  Without them we'll never be ready for the Valley.  What the disciples "saw" changed them.  Their perspective was different after having heard from God.  Alone time on the mountain is where you receive direction from God and hear His voice (vs 1 "led them up a high mountain to be alone").  Being with God transforms you.

Peter witnessed the radiance of Jesus, Moses, and Elijah.  Peter blurted out his thoughts as if he actually had something to contribute to Jesus, Moses, and Elijah's conversation.  Sometimes it's best to just be quiet.  Brother Wayne Austin says "Silence is wisdom.  When you open your mouth, then everyone knows what's going on for sure."  God silenced Peter and gave him direction.  (vs 4 ends with God saying "Listen to Him.")

2.  VALLEY - The valley represents the craziness of life, powerless moments, lack, negativity.  Things happen in the valley.  Don't get too busy that you take up residence in the valley.  Gotta get back to the mountain to refuel. 

Vs 9 "as they went back down the mountain"... Pastor Dino says "Some days you're on top of the mountain, some days you're on your way up or down the mountain, and other days you're at the foot of the mountain in the valley.  That's the adventure."  So much truth to this.  Every day is an adventure in life.  Some days are better than others. 

3.  Why did Jesus go to the mountain?  To hear and listen to God's voice.  It's that simple.  We MUST hear God's voice.  We need direction. 

4.  Why do "I" need the mountain?  Same reason as Jesus.  If Jesus needed to regularly go to the mountain to be alone, how much more do I need it?  If we are going to be all that we are created to be in life, we must receive His direction.

QUESTION:  Am we asking: "what does God want me to do?" OR "what do I want to do?"  We cannot hear God in the valley.  We need to get to the mountain.  It's not what I know, but Who I know. 

Pastor Dino interviewed Pastor Mike Haman who recently returned from Haiti. Pastor Mike shared some of the things he witnessed.  He also mentioned it was very significant that he had been in a specific time of prayer and fasting (Awakening: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting (on the mountain top with God)) at the time of the earthquake.  Has he not, he would not be prepared to be in Haiti (the valley).  Matt 25:13 

Pastor closed on the thought of there are only 2 places you will wake up when you die.  When the earthquake hit, all of those thousands of precious people woke up in either Heaven or Hell.  He asked the question:  Do you know which one it will be for you?  Need to be certain.  Don't wait.  Be prepared.  Make the decision today.

1 comment:

  1. nice take on the message this week, connie. thanks for posting this. definitely a very important message - especially in the days we're living in.
