
To Skip or Not To Skip?

It's been a great 3 weeks (well, almost 3 weeks) of Prayer and Fasting.  Being completely transparent with you, I usually just skip around in the Psalms.  Every time I get to chapter 119, I usually shutter with intimidation at the sheer size of the chapter, and hurriedly flip the pages to the 130's (as if I must out run it or something).  That's where some of my favorite chapters are; mainly chapter 139.  

For all practical purposes, mostly out of obedience, I dove into chapter 119.  Tackling a mere 8 verses daily, I found some of the best kept secrets the Bible has to offer.  I learned  1. wisdom of the believer is found in God's commands, 2. His perfect unfailing love is constantly at our disposal, and 3. safety is at our fingertips when we obey.  So very many great lessons to learn!  Not only lessons from His Word, but lessons in not skipping things just because of the size or any other excuse.  Don't let large chapters intimidate you.  They are filled with God's wisdom just like short chapters.  Great things come in small packages... and evidently large chapters too.  

What are you skipping over in the Bible?  
Challenge:  Dig in & find the treasures of God's heart.

I think my next challenge is Song of Songs.  (long pause)  I actually just shuttered typing the name.  I always intentionally skip the entire book because it's... so... well... it's gotten a bad wrap.  It's God's Word.  There is freedom in wrestling the areas of our lives that hold us back.  I think the question is:  What am I missing?  Time to find out!

1 comment:

  1. Jumped right in. I might need a chaperone to read this book. Already, God's speaking to me. Amazing!
